Sunday 6 March 2016

This pie chart shows the percentage of Americans believed about global warming statistic. According to IPCC report, The percent of climate scientist,who believed global warming is being caused by human is 90%. The next higher percentage is 76% of American who trust the climate scientist as a source of information about global warming. American who think that global warming is very true is 70%. Some americans who are worried is 58%. Other Americans anticipate global warming is caused mostly by human activity is 54%. On the other hand 12% of Americans don't believed that global warming is going to happen. And 1% said carbon dioxide that is  emitted by man made source.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Annual Greenhouse Emissions by Sector

National Greenhouse Emissions made up a series of comprehensive reports.
In this bar chart illustrate the National Greenhouse Emissions by Sector. We can see in the report the percentage of the human consumption by sector.In comparison, Power stations is the higher percentage of 21.3% , on the other hand waste disposal and treatment is lowest contribution of 4.3%.