Wednesday 24 February 2016

Top Doctor team racing clock to save kids


  • Meet the  NETS, the Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport Service.
  • Specialist doctor in time of life saving treatment.
  •  Kids waiting in emergency hospital can suffer serious consequences.


The team NETS race to any child in those situation  where the child can't make it to a specialist hospital in time, in order to save their life for treatment. Dr Andrew Berry, who heads the NETS team said 11 children have been saved in the past two years. Last month they just save Knox Littleford a toddler turned into a life and death situation. His brain was bleeding that can causes brain death.  The NETS team grabbed neurosurgical drill pack and pick up neurosurgeon Dr. Martin Scholsem. They just save Knox Littleford life in time. It was a big relief to the parents for saving his life. 

Personal Reflection

This is what we really need in emergency for life and death situation. My respect for this professional people and they really save a life. I am happy that there is this team that would help us in need.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Immigration to Australia, 1992 & 2002

This is the comparison report regarding people migrate in Australia from 1999-2002.
As we can see from the illustration in the pie chart and column graph. We illustrate that the number from other region such as Europe & Former USSR, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia, South and Central America has dramatically decreased. But other region such as India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Middle East, & North Africa go down slightly. On the other hand Oceania and Africa (excl. Nth Africa) increase rapidly in a couple of years.

Immigration to Australia 2002

Immigration to Australia , 1992 & 2002

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Home-schooled kids do better in tests


  • Home-schooled kids are getting better scores in Naplan.
  • Home-school kids compared to mainstreams kids.
  • Board of studies encourages home-schooling kids to take  Naplan test.
  • Only small percentage of kids that are taught at home are taking Naplan test.


Kids that study at home are getting 70 marks higher score in NAPLAN test rather than the kids from the mainstream. The Board of studies encourages home schooling kids to sit down in NAPLAN test. According to the research only small percentage of them actually sit the test

Personal reflection;
In my opinion the reason why home school kids are getting good score in NAPLAN. The kids are getting more attention in every thing that they need to learn. They have more time to detail and explained every subject.