Wednesday 25 May 2016

Achievement of Mother Theresa

  •  attained world wide fame for helping poor people.
  • winner of the Nobel Prize
  •  formally accepted the vows of a nun
  • Missionaries of Charity now has branches throughout the world
  • 1965 the Society became an International Religious Family
  • Malcom Muggeridge wrote a book and produced a documentary called ‘Something Beautiful for God’. for MOther Theresa
  • most prestigious awards throughout the Globe
  • Many consider Mother Teresa was a living saint who offered a great example and inspiration to the world.

Turning point of Mother Theresa
  • The widespread poverty made a deep impression on her and this led to her starting a new order called The Missionaries of Charity.  

Achievements of Nelson Mandela

  •  finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer.
  •  1944 to 1949 Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League
  • 1952 Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa  1952 Defiance Campaign and later acts of sabotage.
  • Conducting their own defence they eventually proved to be victorious
  • Men’s spirits high 
  •  1993 awarded
  • 1994 10 May first democratically elected State President               
  •  widely admired 

Turning Point of Mandela

  • Whilst at university Nelson Mandela became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society.
  •  Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground.
  • 1960 the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s .This led Mandela to advocate armed struggle.
  • 1962 Mandela had been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment in the 
  • 1990 Mandela’s release in prison
  •  lost his eldest son 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Time line of Fred Hallows

1929 - Born in New Zealand

1960 - Got job in Australia

1965- Head of the Eye Department at Sydney hospital  

1970- Helped to launch a National Program to attack eye disease In Aboriginal Australians

1980- Travelled all over the world to help set up eye health programs in developing countries.

1989- Got cancer

1993 - Fred Died


Time line of  
Justine Florence Saunders
Actress 1953-2007

1953 - Justine Florence Saunders born 

1974-  Become a professional actress

1976 -Saunders first came to prominence in Number 96 movie.

1987 - Established of the Black Theatre and the set up the Aboriginal National Theatre Trust 

1991-  Awarded an Order of Australia Medal for services to the performing arts and to the National Aboriginal Theatre.

2000 - Gained wider national prominence when she asked Aboriginal Senator Aden Ridgeway to hand in her medal.

2004 - Last role she played was "Barry Otto in The Last Cab to Darwin".

2007-  died from cancer at the age 54

Sunday 6 March 2016

This pie chart shows the percentage of Americans believed about global warming statistic. According to IPCC report, The percent of climate scientist,who believed global warming is being caused by human is 90%. The next higher percentage is 76% of American who trust the climate scientist as a source of information about global warming. American who think that global warming is very true is 70%. Some americans who are worried is 58%. Other Americans anticipate global warming is caused mostly by human activity is 54%. On the other hand 12% of Americans don't believed that global warming is going to happen. And 1% said carbon dioxide that is  emitted by man made source.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Annual Greenhouse Emissions by Sector

National Greenhouse Emissions made up a series of comprehensive reports.
In this bar chart illustrate the National Greenhouse Emissions by Sector. We can see in the report the percentage of the human consumption by sector.In comparison, Power stations is the higher percentage of 21.3% , on the other hand waste disposal and treatment is lowest contribution of 4.3%.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Top Doctor team racing clock to save kids


  • Meet the  NETS, the Newborn and Paediatric Emergency Transport Service.
  • Specialist doctor in time of life saving treatment.
  •  Kids waiting in emergency hospital can suffer serious consequences.


The team NETS race to any child in those situation  where the child can't make it to a specialist hospital in time, in order to save their life for treatment. Dr Andrew Berry, who heads the NETS team said 11 children have been saved in the past two years. Last month they just save Knox Littleford a toddler turned into a life and death situation. His brain was bleeding that can causes brain death.  The NETS team grabbed neurosurgical drill pack and pick up neurosurgeon Dr. Martin Scholsem. They just save Knox Littleford life in time. It was a big relief to the parents for saving his life. 

Personal Reflection

This is what we really need in emergency for life and death situation. My respect for this professional people and they really save a life. I am happy that there is this team that would help us in need.